Taking your dog with you when you live an active lifestyle can be thrilling for both of you. It takes a little bit of planning and maybe some special gear, but you and your dog can be rough and ready for the outdoors in no time. If you’ll be spending a lot of time outdoors, […]
Planning a trip? Let Daisy carry her folding dog bowl with an EzyDog dog backpack
5 tips for keeping your dog (and your home) safe during the holidays
The holidays bring with them all kinds of challenges to our health—endless cookies and pumpkin spice lattes, the possibility of getting trampled by last-minute shoppers…and, of course, there are risks for your dog as well. Here are five tips from the EzyDog team on keeping your dog (and your home) safe this holiday season: 1. […]
5 easy holiday foods you can share with your pup
Happy holidays from EzyDog! With the season of family gatherings and giant turkey dinners upon us, we’d like to take a moment and wish you and your family (including the furry members) a happy—and healthy—holiday. Just in case you wanted to share a few holiday treats with your pets…here’s a list of pet-friendly holiday foods […]
Want to save your dog’s life? Buy a doggy life jacket
Some of us have pets who love the water (though maybe not bathtime) and who jump in anytime they get near a river, lake or ocean. Other dogs are more timid around water or don’t seem to enjoy swimming at all. Both types of dogs, when near a body of water or especially in a […]
How to keep your pet safe while at work, it’s simple, use a dog harness
Ever thought of taking your dog to work? A study from the Virginia Commonwealth University suggests it might be good for your stress levels. Researchers have known for a long time that the act of petting a cat or a dog can bring people’s blood pressure down. It’s a calming, comforting action, and one of […]