Dog training and educating children have a lot in a common. If a child sits in a class with a sour teacher who makes sure every day is boring or stressful, it’s going to be harder for the child to learn. In the same way, if you approach things like dog leash training with an aggressive or angry attitude, it will make training your dog much more difficult. It can even introduce some behavioral problems that are easier to avoid when you train the right way.
Calm Dog Leash Training
It’s important to find a happy medium when training your dog, just as it’s important for teachers to avoid boring the students or overstimulating them. It’s just as bad for a child to be jumpy and on edge in class as it is for him to fall asleep. Try to find that happy middle when training your dog for the best results.
If you’re obviously upset, frustrated, angry or not in the mood to train, then you shouldn’t do it at that moment. Your dog will respond to your emotions in ways that aren’t going to further his dog leash training or ability to learn other commands. In fact, commands given in an angry or frustrated tone will only draw out the training or teach bad habits.
For instance, if you’re trying to teach your dog to “come,” and you get impatient, you might sound angry when you say it. That makes it unpleasant, and may make your dog not want to come to you. It might be like being shouted at and can make the dog resist. If your dog does obey, the tone of your voice can associate the command with anger and unpleasant feelings, and make it a command he might start resisting in the future.
If you find yourself becoming frustrated, your dog probably feels that just as much as you do. Stop and try again later.
Dog Training without Exaggeration
On the other hand, you also don’t want to go overboard in the opposite direction. When your dog responds to a command, give him a treat if you’re using them and praise him with petting on the head and a happy tone of voice. Don’t praise too enthusiastically or get too excited every time, or it’s possible to get your dog so excited and energized that he can’t focus on learning.
Also, make sure you don’t go on for too long, even if your dog is doing well. A good result can end with a treat and praise, and an end to the training session. If you do it too many times, you risk your dog becoming bored and less interested in doing the behavior. Dog leash training and other types of training are better done in very short sessions that can be done often, with you calm and happy and ready to praise your pet for a job well done.