3 of the best harnesses for your unique dog

There are many different types of dog harnesses available at EzyDog. Some pets will do equally well in more than one type, or any type of harness. Other pets might need a specific kind, or simply find that one is more comfortable than another. Your lifestyle and the types of things you do with your […]

A seat belt restraint can save a dog’s life, find out more

As an on-the-go dog owner, you love to take your pet with you wherever you can. And dogs love to go and play with their owners. Some love to hang their heads out the window, and some even try to crawl in a driver’s lap to see all the sights. But it’s important to consider […]

The QuickFit dog harness makes life a snap

There are a variety of different dog harnesses available to today’s pet owner. Dog harnesses come in different sizes, materials and styles. Some are made for specific purposes, while others are multi-purpose. Just like reliable dog leashes, harnesses come in a wide variety of colors, with varying thicknesses and widths. The best dog harness for […]

A reliable dog leash is within your grasp

We’ve all seen movies or television shows that depict a person pulled off her feet by a large dog that suddenly takes off at a run. It’s done on TV for humor, but anyone who’s had that happen knows there’s nothing funny about it. A moment like that comes with the fear of the pet […]